Field Studies

We design and conduct of rigorous terrestrial ecotoxicology field studies with plant protection products (PPPs) that are tailored to our clients’ needs. This includes the strategic adaptation of standard experimental designs as well as the development of new field methods and state-of-the-art data analysis approaches (e.g. advanced statistics). We provide the most effective solutions for higher tier risk assessments, in line with current and new guidelines and guidance documents.


Our higher tier field services include:


Birds and mammals

Studies are performed according to EFSA (2023) Guidance on the risk assessment for Birds and Mammals

  • Identification of focal species
  • Generic studies, e.g. to assess the proportion of food animals obtain from pesticide treated areas (PT) and the proportion of food items in their diet (PD)
  • Field effect studies, e.g. to assess pesticide-related individual- and population-level effects in focal species
  • Pesticide residue studies
  • Semi-field studies using large (mobile) enclosures to investigate behaviour and diet selection under intended trial conditions
  • Continuous environmental monitoring


Studies are performed according to EFSA (2023) Guidance document on the risk assessment of plant protection products on bees and additional guidelines

  • Semi-field effect studies
    • Honeybees (OECD 75, OEPP/ EPPO 170 and OCSPP 850.3040)
    • Bumble bees and solitary (Mason) bees (Klein et al., 2022 or Franke et al., 2021)
  • Field effect studies
    • Honeybees, bumble bees, solitary (Mason) bees
  • Feeding studies
    • Honeybee brood feeding (Oomen) studies (Lückmann and Schmitzer, 2019)
    • Bumble bee semi-field feeding study
  • Residue decline studies (semi-field and field)
    • Pollen: Honeybees, bumble bees and solitary bees, hand-sampling
    • Nectar: Honeybees, bumble bees and hand-sampling
    • Other matrices, e.g. bee bread or wax
  • Pollen composition analysis
    • Honey bees, bumble bees and solitary bees
  • Residues trails for MRL setting in honey according to SANTE/11956/2016 rev. 9
  • Population monitoring of solitary bees and other pollinators

Soil organisms

  • Earthworm and Collembolan field studies 

Study designs and data analysis

  • Statistical study planning and power analysis
  • Advanced statistical analyses (e.g. generalised linear mixed models, additive mixed models, logistic exposure models, Cox proportional hazard regression models
  • GIS-based habitat analysis