Find our posters and publications from various conferences and download the PDF file here. For questions or requests please contact us.
Hotopp I, Russ A, Alkassab A, Pistorius J, Prados EA, Persigehl M (2024). Using equivalence tests in higher tier studies of honey bees under the revised EFSA Bee Guidance – How? Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. online first.
Román J, Rodríguez C, García-Rodríguez A, Diez-Virto I, Gutiérrez-Expósito C, Jubete F, Paniw M, Clavero M, Revilla E, D’Amico M (2024). Beyond crippling bias: Carcass-location bias in roadkill studies. Conservation Science and Practice, doi/10.1111/csp2.13103
Hotopp I, Walther B, Fuelling O, Reil D, Hesse C, Below DA, Imholt C, Jacob J (2022). Habitat and Season Effects on Small Mammal Bycatch in Live Trapping. Biology 11(12):1806.
Licht, B. (2021) Wildkaninchen-Projekt auf Golfanlagen – Zwischenstand tier3 solutions Studie. Golf Manager – die Fachzeitschrift für Führungskräfte und Betreiber. Ausgabe 6/21. Köllen Druck und Verlag GmbH. p. 78-80
Christl H, Morilla J, Hoen T, Zumkier U (2019) Comparative assessment of the intrinsic sensitivity of crop species and wild plant species to plant protection products and their active substances and potential implications for the risk assessment: a literature review. Integr Environ Assess Manag. 19(2): 176-189
Christl H (2018): NTTPs – vegetative vs. reproductive endpoints – Is the potential increase in protectivity an indication of sensitivity or of relevance? (modelled vs. real data). Poster presentation, SETAC Annual Meeting Rome