We provide expert monitoring services in herpetology using a variety of methodologies that account for the diversity, behaviour and habitat of these
species to obtain a comprehensive understanding of amphibian and reptile populations in various environments, aiding informed decision-making and contributing to environmental
Our methodologies:
Survey and Census Techniques: Visual encounter surveys, auditory call surveys (for frogs and toads), pitfall traps and drift fences, funnel traps, cover object searches,
artificial refuge, night surveys, capture-mark-recapture.
Breeding and Reproductive Studies: Egg mass surveys, larval surveys (e.g., dip-netting for tadpoles), monitoring of breeding sites (e.g., ponds, wetlands), clutch size
estimation, nesting site identification and monitoring, tracking breeding migrations, assessing reproductive success, monitoring metamorphosis rates.
Movement Patterns and Population Studies: Radio-telemetry for tracking movements, GPS tagging, PIT tagging for individual identification, capture-mark-recapture for
population estimation, migration tracking, dispersal studies, survival rate analysis.
Health and Disease Monitoring: Disease screening, parasite load assessments, necropsy of deceased individuals, physiological health assessments such as body condition
Thermal and Hydration Ecology: Monitoring body temperature regulation, assessing habitat thermal profiles, studying behavioural thermoregulation.
Diet and Feeding Behaviour: Analysis of stomach contents, faecal sample analysis, observation of foraging behaviour, prey availability studies.
Habitat Use and Preferences: Microhabitat assessment (e.g., moisture levels, temperature), vegetation structure analysis, aquatic habitat quality assessments (e.g., pH,
salinity, pollution levels), shelter availability studies, mapping of critical habitats like breeding ponds or hibernacula.