Last week, our colleague Olaf Fülling had the opportunity to attend the annual conference of the Association of German Wildlife Biologists and Wildlife Scientists (Vereinigung der Wildbiologen
und Jagdwissenschaftler Deutschlands e.V.). The event proved to be an excellent platform for discussing recent developments in methodologies of wildlife biology.
One of the most intriguing aspects highlighted during the conference was the striking similarity between the data collection methods used in wildlife biology and those in higher tier risk
assessment. Both fields prioritize profound knowledge of animal ecology and handling, as well as comprehensive data analysis to make informed decisions. Whether tracking animal populations or
evaluating potential risks, robust data collection is the backbone of reliable conclusions.
The conference underscored the importance of such gatherings as forums for exchanging experiences and developing joint methodologies. By bringing together experts from different disciplines, we
can foster a deeper understanding and create innovative approaches that benefit both fields.
Kudos to the organizers and participants for creating a collaborative environment that bridges the gap between wildlife biology and risk assessment. Looking forward to seeing the continued
evolution of these shared methodologies!